Aluminium Paste

Widely used in priming processes that require high rustproof properties

How about using scraps collected during the aluminium rolling process?

It is widely used for priming for steel structures, bridges, buildings and vessels that require rustproofing. An innovative product for its premium luster, high light-shielding and durability.

Future Value

We are developing special aluminium paste (non-leafing type) for metallic color.

Typical Uses
Leafing Type
  • - Anti-corrosion paint on steel structures (steel towers, bridges, storage tanks, machinery)
  • - For printing
  • - For the Metallic compound
Non-Leafing Type - Basic floor coating and anti-corrosion paint for vessels
- Metallic paint

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    1. Personal information for collecting and using personal information is used only for the purpose of collecting opinions from customers.
    2. The company may collect personal information if it has obtained its consent when collecting and using personal information pursuant to Article 15 of the Privacy Act and may use it within the scope of its purpose. The items you are collecting for your collection and use are listed below

    - Required items: Author Name, Author Email Address

    3. Personal information retention, period of use, and personal information collected shall be destroyed immediately after 6 months of storage after collecting opinions. Here's how to destroy your personal information.

    - Paper output information: Grinding or incineration with a grinder

    - Electronic file type information: Delete using a technical method that does not allow the recording to be played back

    4. Customers who are notified of the disadvantage due to refusal of the use consent may reject the use consent.


Kim Seung-Ju

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  • Privacy Policy

    1. Personal information for collecting and using personal information is used only for the purpose of collecting opinions from customers.
    2. The company may collect personal information if it has obtained its consent when collecting and using personal information pursuant to Article 15 of the Privacy Act and may use it within the scope of its purpose. The items you are collecting for your collection and use are listed below

    - Required items: Author Name, Author Email Address

    3. Personal information retention, period of use, and personal information collected shall be destroyed immediately after 6 months of storage after collecting opinions. Here's how to destroy your personal information.

    - Paper output information: Grinding or incineration with a grinder

    - Electronic file type information: Delete using a technical method that does not allow the recording to be played back

    4. Customers who are notified of the disadvantage due to refusal of the use consent may reject the use consent.